DMIT Franchise in India : 

MindTech started the journey in the year 2010 from Surat, involving mass and individuals. Has tie up with various educational sectors. MindTech has reached to the people through the help of media i.e Divya Bhaskar and Radio partners to expand the business.  We launched the midbrain activation program and started generating network on a National level and at present, we are having our network 165 Indian cities. We also launched eLearning products, which helped parents n resolving many academic problems for their kids.

Working on our excellence for the past 8 years, we have established our business in 20+ countries with more than 2000 clients worldwide. We are not just selling DMIT and Midbrain activation software but we share our experience and teach our clients how to start a business, what is a best appropriate way of approach for the individual as well as for mass. Come and associate with world’s finest DMIT and Midbrain activation company to fulfill your dreams. It doesn’t matter if you belong to a small town or metropolitan city; it is your ambition, dedication, commitment, determination and learning attitude which will help you to conquer the world.

Benefits of DMIT Franchise : 

  • We provide DMIT analysis focused on to meet Educational Standards.
  • 100% Genuine Accurate Software.
  • DMIT Franchise In  Growth Support Model.
  • We are giving 90% to 95% DMIT Report Accuracy.
  • We have got a team of senior professionals committed to work exclusively with DMIT franchise.
  • We provide outstanding training programs, higher standards and Operations support.
  • We give support with a proven concept along with a professional team.
  • We give special attention to sales and marketing support for our DMIT franchise
  • We accept only from your side a positive attitude, passion for counselling and also a commitment to excellence.
  • DMIT franchise is cost effective.


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Contact Information


404, Star World, Green City Road,

GauravPath, pal , Surat, 

Gujarat, India. 

Phone Numbers:

+91 84609 97779

+91 84601 66996


Social links:

Different Sectors where DMIT used

DMIT in Education

DMIT Test for students Age group: 4 years to 14 years vital stage. Most of the 75% of school-aged students facing learning problem. Individuals in this age offering them an opportunity to be a leader, tapping into their energy, skills, and knowledge will allow them to build a leader in them. DMIT Franchise module helps students enhance their own already existing talent sets and prepare for an improved learning experience. DMIT franchises several facets and applying studying, reasoning, and decision-making and also creativity.

DMIT in Corporate Training

Interview process starts with a basic aptitude test. Dmit Test Corporate Employees will help your organization in order to optimize the complete spectrum. Dmit Test Corporate training could be used to measure the effectiveness of learning and workshops by using a pre & post test of each employee. We provide an ideal DMIT franchise business package in India making it possible for individuals and corporations, who intend to work in the rewarding field of whole mind education with low-risk investment, you can own and operate your own DMIT franchise business.

DMIT in Career guidance

Most are confuse and don’t fully understand their career options because they don’t fully understand themselves. Multiple Intelligence Theory is invented by Dr. Howard Gardner. According to Gardner people have various kinds of intelligence. There are about eight different types of Multiple Intelligence. All eight multiple intelligence will define the Career Personality Test. Mind Tech International’s DMIT franchises provide guidance on a career choice that will help them become successful in their life.

DMIT Self Analysis Test

Discover what you’re good at and where you may have room for improvement. Based on what you learn about yourself, you can pursue educational and career goals that bring long-term satisfaction. Whenever you take a look at yourself with all the Personal Self Analysis Test, for you can begin to separate yourself from your associates, and further build the specialized skills and potential you have to advance your career opportunity.


Let us bring to your kind notice that our work is in progress since 2010. We are active in 20 Indian states with more than 600 successful Business associates established all over India. We are equally active working for international countries like ENGLAND, POLAND, NIGERIA, SOUTH AFRICA, DUBAI, HONG KONG, VIETNAM, AND SINGAPORE. Our future progressive development will be in action for New Zealand, Australia, USA, Canada, Zimbabwe, and Yemen.

There is a higher likelihood of success due to our constant regularly working for this business. We are quite confident that If you follow the system applied by us; your way for an easy running this business shall be very successful with an ease of working. Following are the reasons why we are being selected for the business of DMIT & Mid-Brain Activation.