MindTech International is basically into conducting Multiple Intelligence Test based on Dermatoglyphics technique ( DMIT )

In DMIT Business we are selling DMIT Software, DMIT Mini Software and DMIT Franchise.


We have 3 DMIT Software;

  1. Basic softwarewith 43 Pages report
  2. Premium softwarewith 56 Pages report and
  3. Premium Plus softwarewith 77 Pages report.

Premium Plus software is our Customized and unique design with attractive presentation and well explained contents. The language which has been used is very simple in order to understand by a simple common man.

These 3 Reports are Lifetime Reports. Reports are available in 4 languages; English, Hindi, Gujarati and Marathi.

Mini DMIT software :

From Mini DMIT software you can generate 9 pages of report. It will contain all the basic information like; Brain Lobes Functions, TFRC Distribution Map, Personality & Behaviours etc.. This report you may use as USP i.e. marketing tool or you can give this report to any one at low cost.

DMIT Franchisee :

You can start your business at the most affordable cost. Per report cost is chargeable. You can get any report from the above mentioned reports.

We will now introduce you to Dermatoglyphics technique in brief:

Dermatoglyphics (from ancient Greek derma = skin, glyph = carving) is the

scientific study of fingerprints. The term was coined by Dr. Harold Cummins, the father of American fingerprint analysis. The process of fingerprint identification had been used for several hundred years now.

Contact Information


UG-27-38,Silver Plaza Complex,
Opp. Rupali Theater, Rander Road,
Surat – 395009. Gujarat, India.

Phone Numbers:

+91 84609 97779

+91 84601 66996


Social links:

  • Scientists researched skin ridge patterns and established that the fingerprint patterns actually develop in the womb and are fully formed by the fourth month of pregnancy.
  • The main thrust of scientific Dermatoglyphics research has been directed into genetic research and the diagnosis of chromosomal defects. Over the last thirty years or so, more than four thousand medical research papers have been written on the significance of skin-ridge patterns!
  • Significant investigations have been carried out into the Dermatoglyphics indicators of congenital heart disease, cancer, intestinal disorders, A lzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, autism as well as other forms of mental illnesses. Most of this research has only been published in International medical journals.

About Multiple Intelligence Theory: 

  • As you are aware, a common , yet faulty method of checking the intelligence level of a child is an IQ test. However it uses only language, maths and logic as a base to find the IQ level. It completely overlooks talents in areas like sports, music, art forms, communication etc.
  • The theory of multiple intelligence was proposed  by Howard Gardner in 1983 to more accurately define the concept of intelligence and to address the question whether methods which claim to measure intelligence are truly scientific. In his conception , a child who masters multiplication easily is not necessarily more intelligent overall than a child who struggles to do so. The second child may be stronger in an other kin d of intelligence.

Prof Howard Gardner Is :     

  • Senior Director at Harvard, Professor of Cognition and Education
  • Author of more than 20 books, Most famous being one on “Multiple
    Intelligences” called “Frames o f Mind”
  • Has  26 Honorary degrees & was selected in “Top 100 Influential Thinkers
    in the World”

After years of extensive research he defined 8 intelligences. The multiple intelligences he defined are

Visual-Spatial Intelligence

Verbal Linguistic Intelligence

Intra Personal Intelligence

Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Naturalistic Intelligence

Inter Personal Intelligence

Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence

Musical Rhythmic Intelligence

As you know, the Indian education system, focuses more on cramming information in the minds of our children, rather than giving them true knowledge, which they can use to shape a successful career. Our system also overlooks the specific learning needs of each child, who is unique, resulting in immense stress.

Shockingly, above 12,000 students commit suicides in India due to exam related stress. This number is alarming and makes us wonder where our system is going wrong!!!!!!!

You, as parents need to take an active role in understanding the special intrinsic potential of your child, and design suitable learning methods around your child needs. DMI Assessment technique has been developed by scientists and research experts from World renowned universities and is based on knowledge from Genetics, Embryology, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology and Neuroscience.

DMI Test will reveal following information about your child

  • Intrinsic potential
  • Multiple Intelligence Distribution
  • Dominant and Preferred Learning Style
  • Learning Communication Character
  • Allocation of various abilities
  • Psychological & Planning Capability
  • Learning Sensitivity
  • Innate Work – Management style

Learning styles are various approaches or ways of learning. They involve educating methods, particular to an individual that are presumed to allow that individual to learn best. Most people favor some particular method of interacting with, and processing information.

The 3 Main Learning Styles Are

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinesthetic

Typical ways in which learners having different styles react:

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic
To teach something Write instructions Explain verbally Demonstrate
Tend to say I see what you mean I hear what you are saying I know how you feel
Tend to say Show me Tell me Let me try
Learning a new skill Watch what the teacher is doing Talk through with the teacher Like to give it a try and work it out
Find it easiest to remember Faces Names Things done
When meeting with an old friend Say “it’s great to see you!” Say “it’s great to hear your voice!” Give them a hug or a handshake


Please get back to us in case of any clarifications you needed.

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