Mid Brain activation Methods|Mid Brain Activation Technique|Mid Brain Activation Program|
All parents want the best for their kids, and they would go to great extents and make massive sacrifices to ensure they get the best life they can. Modern parents also understand the value of education as being key to achieving their potential. We want to talk about the techniques that can be used to…
Understanding the Activation of the Third Eye
For a vast period of time, the pineal gland is a particular aspect of our anatomy that has remained a bit of a mystery. Traditions and teachings from esoteric schools and mystical-filled minds have cited this unique center-area of the brain to be the powerful link which connects our physical bodies with that of spiritual…
Basics Of Dermatoglyphic Multiple IntelligenceTest
Dermatoglyphics refers to the branch of science which studies the patterns of skins (dermal) ridges present on the fingers, toes and the soles of human. Its reveals the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents.
DMIT will reveal following information about your child
The “Theory of Multiple Intelligences” was proposed by Prof. Howard Gardner of Harvard University in 1983 in his path- breaking book “Frames of Mind”
What is Fingerprint Analysis?
Dermathoglyphics is a term used to describe a type of scientific studies focused on human fingerprints. This technique was first practiced and developed in the late 19th century by Sir Francis Galton, a famous English biologist. Even today, his work is considered to play vital role in the studies related to fingerprints.
Is Dermatoglyphics Software really effective?
In case you were doing some research about the potential of your child and looking for a way to determine their talents, you must have probably heard about DMIT tests.
Midbrain Activation Franchise & Software in India
If you have been reading several articles all over the internet on how to make your child genius and still don’t have any clue, then perhaps you are at the right place.We at MindTech through Midbrain activation can make your child a super child.